42nd Congress of the European Society of Surgical Oncology

25-27 October 2023, Florence, Italy

Poster in Spotlight Guidelines

Prepare the Poster

Poster file type: PDF

Orientation: 1 page, portrait orientation

Dimensions: Full HD resolution (1080×1920 px) for optimal display. In case you have your poster already prepared in A0 size, you can use that instead of Full HD resolution and fit it into the template.

Template: You can download a blank template in the recommended dimensions HERE.

How to save PPTX as a PDF.

Prepare the Poster Presentation

Poster file type: PPTX/PPT

Size: max 5 slides, landscape orientation

Dimensions: Full HD resolution (1920×1080 px) for optimal display

There is not any PowerPoint template, so you can use your own blank template. It is not needed to include the logo of ESSO in your presentation because it will be preset by our IT team on the screen.

Upload the Poster Files

Upload your poster between 29 September and 10 October.

Please check your files for spelling and grammar and make sure to upload the final version of your poster.

Changes to your files can only be requested until 10 October by email to abstracts@esso42.org.

In case a presenting author is not available to present the accepted abstract, a co-author must be appointed to present the abstract and must be registered, please inform the ESSO 42 Congress Secretariat at abstracts@esso42.org about this change.

How to upload files
2. Log in with your e-mail address in the top right corner “User login.” You will obtain your password by e-mail, and you may continue (please save the password for future use).
3. Click on your name in the top right corner and go to “Personal page“.
4. Select ”Upload presentation” & “Upload poster“​
5. Upload your final poster & presentation.